tcWorld Conference 2023, 14-16 Nov, Stuttgart https://tcworldconference.tekom.de/
NORDIC TechKomm, 9-10 March, Stockholm https://www.nordic-techkomm.com
Webinar, 9 February 12.00 CET. Kickstarting the Digital Twin https://www.technical-communication.org/tekom/about-us/country-organizations/netherlands/upcoming-ev...
Webinar, 12 November 09.30 CET. Kickstarting the Digital Twin with iiRDS?
Webinar, 27 May 10AM CET. la chiave per aumentare le vendite nell'AfterSales - Webinar in Italian https://www.signifikant.se/events-posts/webinar-improve-profitability-aftermarket-italian/
October, 16-17 Boti2019 Stockholm: http://www.boti.se/konferens/
November 12-14, TCWORLD Stuttgart: https://bit.ly/2Nh1FRY
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